The war was over. Better yet, I wasn’t dead!
Unfortunately, we still had some problems. For one, we still pretty much had to get back home, but leave it to our Fearless Leader Who Isn’t Afraid of Anything Odysseus to have a plan.
Okay, you don’t really need to plan to get on a boat and row to Ithaca, but you get the point. We left the next morning at around dawn. I looked and saw Odysseus, standing at the bow of the ship, staring into the distance. For the first time in a while, he was smiling. Now, I’m not saying that Odysseus isn’t a happy guy, but it just looked like the weight of the sky was taken off from his shoulders. I couldn’t blame him. I mean he has Penelope and a little boy, his name I forget. Tenelos? Temopolous? Oh yeah, Telemachos. I wonder if he still remembers his father.
My train of thought was interrupted when I heard Odysseus’s booming voice from the deck of the ship. I wonder how he’d gotten there so fast.
“Friends! Companions! It is time we leave this accursed city and set sail for beloved Ithaca, our homeland!” he yelled.
“YES!” we all shouted in response.
“Then let’s move!”
I hurriedly made my way to the mast to loosen it up.
# # #
We’d been at sea for three days and all we could think about was what we’d do when we’d return home. I struck up a conversation with Polites, one of my friends, having grown bored of scrubbing poo of the deck of the ship.
“Hey, Polites, how does it feel now that we’re going back home?” I asked him.
“I feel... happy, but I can’t help but feel there’s something missing,” he answered in reply.
I couldn’t blame him for thinking that. We’d lost a lot of brave men out there. Antiphonous, my brother, Belemone, way too many to think of. The slightest trace of a tear formed in my eye as I turned away from Polites and resumed scrubbing the deck.
- Alphaeus
Hello teachers and everyone who reads this particular blog. Just a note - this doesn't count among the other blog entries, it's more like a second intro to the whole thing. :)